Electroweak Interactions & Unified Theories


The  2021 session on Electroweark Interactions and Unified Theories will be held from Sunday March 21 to Saturday , March 27.

Exceptionnaly, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it will take place in a virtual form: Moriond@home runing  in two times,  "D day: publication of the material, D+1 day : live discussion".

The talks are uploaded on day D in recorded form  and can be accessed easily from all time zones in the following hours.

Discussion sessions, as well as the Young Scientist Forum, will be concentrated on day D+1 in a live 3h session, 14:00-17:00 Paris time.

This format allows a compact session with an active participation from a maximum of time zones.

To keep the familiar atmosphere of the discussions, the meeting is, as usual be subject to registration.

Talks and discussions will only be accessible to registered participants, while the slides of the talks will, as usual, be freely distributed.

Despite the online version of the Rencontres, the number of participants will remain limited. If you wish to participate, please contact the Committee.