XLIst Rencontres de Moriond
XXVIth Astrophysics Moriond Meeting
From Dark Halos to Light
La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy
Sunday 12 - Saturday 18 March 2006
Today's cosmological models must account for a wealth of high precision observations covering an unprecedentedly wide wavelength range. This Rencontre de Moriond is proposing to focus on the relations between the properties of observed structures (galaxies and clusters) and the underlying dark halo distribution.
Key questions include:
- How comparable are the various dark, stellar and gas mass-to-light ratio estimators? (from weak and strong lensing measurements, from bias estimations, from velocity measurements, from spectral features measurements, from population synthesis, from hot and cold gas observations,...)
- How did stars, gas and dark matter assemble and what are the general properties of these components?
- How is the interplay between the history of specific star formation rate and the mass halo assembly?
- How well can we constrain the mass of structures and how can this mass be used in a cosmological context?
Scientists with interests covering theory, numerical simulations, and observations will be invited to confront their views on the subject. La Thuile is a pleasant winter sports resort located in the Italian Alps, 1450 m alt., about 120 km away from Geneva.
Secretary Contact DetailsProgram Committee
Laurence Tresse (chair, Marseille), Sophie Maurogordato (co-chair, Nice), Nabila Aghanim (Orsay), Alberto Cappi (Bologna/Nice), Thierry Contini (Toulouse), David Elbaz (Saclay), Eric Emsellem (Lyon), Romain Teyssier (Saclay), Marie Treyer (Marseille), Jean Trân Thanh Vân (Orsay)Scientific Advisory Committee
Monique Arnaud (Saclay), Neta Bahcall (Princeton), Eric Bell (Heidelberg), Matthew Colless (AAO), Francoise Combes (Paris), Gus Evrard (Michigan), Luigina Feretti (Bologna), Marijn Franx (Leiden), Isabella Gioia (Bologna), Guinevere Kauffmann (Garching), David Koo (Santa Cruz), Jean-Paul Kneib (Marseille), Joe Silk (Oxford), Rachel Somerville (Heidelberg), Laurent Vigroux (Paris), Simon White (Garching)
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 January 2006.
The deadline for registration is 15 February 2006.
The deadline for the proceedings is 14 July 2006. (moriond_2006.tex, moriond.sty)
Scientific Program (PDF of the talks are available)
Practical Details
Travel informations
Elizabeth Hautefeuille
Rencontres de Moriond
BP 33 - 104 avenue du general Leclerc
F - 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
Phone: +331 69 29 05 50
Fax: +331 69 28 86 59
Email: elizabeth.hautefeuille@th.u-psud.fr
Sponsors: CNRS/FP-DR12, CEA/Dapnia+DSM, Programme National de Cosmologie, Programme National Galaxies, Cassiopée/OCA
Last modified: Wed Mar 29 11:41:49 CEST 2006 by Laurence Tresse