Dark Matter and Dark Energy |
Looking for Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxies |
Constraining dark matter candidates from structure formation |
Recovering dark matter distribution with lensed CMB temperature
anisotropies |
Results from Microlensing Surveys |
The POINT-AGAPE Microlensing Survey: First Constraint on
Machos Towards M31 |
Testing LMC Microlensing Scenarios: the Discrimination Power of the SuperMacho Microlensing Survey |
Searches of Stellar Mass Dark Matter from an Analysis of Variabilities of High-Redshifted QSOs |
The GraS Hypothesis |
Dark Matter: Direct and Indirect Detection |
Latest Scalar WIMP Exclusion Results from the CDMS II Collaboration |
Latest Results of the EDELWEISS Experiment |
Dark matter Experiments at Boulby Mine |
MACHe3, a Prototype for Non-Baryonic Dark Matter Search: keV Event Detection and Multicell Correlation |
The AMS Experiment |
Supersymmetric Dark Matter with GLAST |
Prospects for Dark Matter Searches with the MAGIC Telescope |
Exploring the Universe with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope |
The SZ Effect from Dark Matter Annihilation. An Alternative Probe of the Dark Matter Nature |
Neutralino Relic Density Enhancement in Non-Standard Cosmologies |
Dark Matter Annihilation in the Presence of Caustics |
Axinos as Dark Matter in the Universe |
Particle-Wave Aspects of Dark Matter |
New constraints on Dark Energy |
Dark Energy in Chains |
SuperNovae Legacy Survey |
SuperNova Legacy Survey, Spectroscopy of Supernovae with
the Very Large Telescope |
The GOODS High-z Universe: Probing Energy with Type Ia Supernovae at z~1.4 |
Interacting Quintessence: Cosmic Acceleration and the Coincidence Problem |
A Tale of Two Distances |
Bose Einstein Condensation as Dark Energy and Dark Matter |
Backreaction of Linear Perturbations and Dark Energy |
Enhancement of Dark Matter Abundance in Scalar-Tensor dark Energy |
Dark Energy and the Evolution of Spherical Overdensities |
Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dynamical Dark Energy |
Structure and Galaxy Formation |
The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Results on Galaxy Evolution at High Redshifts |
Colour-Detected Clusters in the XMM Large Scale Structure Survey |
The VIMOS VLT Survey: Evolution of Luminosity Functions from First Epoch Data |
The Redshift Evolution of the Bias between Dark Matter |
Hierarchical Galaxy Clustering in the 2-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey |
The Luminosity-Metallicity Relation in the Local
Universe from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (poster) |
The XMM-Newton Ω-Project: First Results |
Star Formation at Redshift One: Preliminary Results from an Hα Survey |
The Stellar Populations of Low-Redshift Clusters |
Metal Enrichment and Energetics of Galactic Winds in Galaxy Clusters (poster) |
Metal Enrichment of the Intra-Cluster Medium: Ram-Pressure Stripping of Cluster Galaxies (poster) |
Can decaying particles reionize the Universe? |
High Redshift Galaxy Evolution from the Infrared and Optical
HST Observations in the Ultra Deep Field |
The Lyman-α Forest according to LUQAS |
The CFHTLS: a million galaxies at z~1 |
Physical properties of star-forming galaxies at z~2 |
The Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager |
Searching for Galaxy Clusters with AMI - the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (poster) |
Point Source Contamination on SZ Cluster Surveys at 15GHz |
Preliminary Source Count of Radio Sources in X-Ray Luminosity-Selected Galaxy Clusters at 15 GHz (poster) |
Density Profiles and Substructure of CDM Halos |
Weighting the Clusters of Galaxies with Weak Gravitational Lensing: the Problem of the Mass-Sheet Degeneracy |
The Statistics of Substructures in Dark Matter Clusters |
The Distribution of Dark Matter in the Universe on Scales of 1010 Mo to 1015 Mo |
HST/ACS Weak Lensing Analysis of RDCS 1252.9-2927, a z=1.24 cluster |
Multiple Component Analysis of Cluster Lenses |
Lensing Survey of the Most X-Ray Luminous Galaxy Clusters (poster) |
Comparing the temperatures of Galaxy Clusters from Hydro-N-Body Simulations to Chandra and XMM-Newton observations |
Dynamical Models and Numerical Simulations of Incomplete Violent Relaxation |
Likelihood Analysis of the Local Group Acceleration Revisited (poster) |
CMB Physics |
A New Estimation of the Archeops Power Spectrum |
Archeops: First Detection of the Polarized Diffuse Submillimeter Radiation of Galactic Dust |
The Very Small Array: Latest Results and Future Plans |
Probing the Primordial Power Spectrum with the VSA (and Other CMB Experiments) |
The 9C Survey: a Deeper Source Count at 15 GHz |
On the bispectrum of COBE and WMAP |
Systematic Effects on Polarization Measurements |
CLOVER: a New Instrument for Measuring the B-mode Polarization of the CMB |
The BRAIN Project (poster) |
Foreground Contamination in Large Scale WMAP Data |
Testing the Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background |
CMB Quadrupole Induced Poalarisation from Clusters and Filaments (poster) |
Cosmological Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation with CMBEasy |
A Fast Directional Continuous Spherical Wavelet Transform |
Primordial Universe |
Genericity of Cosmic Strings Formation in SUSY GUTs |
Constraining SUSY GUTs with Cosmology |
The CMB Power Spectrum from Cosmic Strings |
Exponential Potentials for Tracker Fields |
New Cosmic Low Energy States of Neutrino |
Dark Energy and Cosmic Speed-Up: M Theory Perspectives |
Brane Cosmology |
Gravity on a Dilatonic Gauss-Bonnet Brane World |
Branon Dark Matter |
Cosmological Tensor Perturbations in Brane-Worlds |
Inflation after WMAP |
Modular Hybrid Inflation without Flat Directions and the Curvaton |
New Constraints on Varying Alpha |
Quantizing Cosmology: a Simple Approach |
The Fractal Structure of Inflationary Spacetime |
Some Issues in the Second-Order Cosmological Perturbations |
Bounds on Isocurvature Perturbations from CMB and LSS |
Are the initial conditions adiabatic? |
Cosmic Rays |
Review on Cosmic Rays |
Is Radiogalaxy M 87 Dominant Source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays? |
Summary Talk |
Summary talk |