QCD and Hadronic interactions

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Ian KOGAN Memorial fund

The XXXVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond session devoted to QCD AND HIGH ENERGY HADRONIC INTERACTIONS were held in Les Arcs 1800 from Saturday, March 22nd to Saturday, March 29th, 2003. Les Arcs1800 is a pleasant winter sports resort located in the French Alpes, at 1800 m alt., about 120 km from Geneva and 12 km from Bourg-Saint-Maurice. The nearest railway station is Bourg-Saint-Maurice, trains (TGV) from Paris to Bourg-Saint- Maurice are quite convenient The nearest international airports are Geneva and Lyon.

Click here to locate Bourg-Saint-Maurice in Europe, here to locate Bourg-Saint-Maurice in the french Alp mountains, and here for a local map.

Manuscript for the proceedings of the Conference :
 To be sent before May 15th, 2003 :
  1) hardcopy to
        Claude Barthélemy
        Rencontres de Moriond
        LPT - Bât. 210
        91405 Orsay cedex
   2) electronic form to  Los Alamos preprint repository.
    Instructions and help for submition >>> here <<<.
    Remember to inform us of the submission number on Los Alamos

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Rencontres de Moriond