XXXVI čmes Rencontres

de Moriond


(site updated November 15th, 2001)

Electronic Correlations:

From Meso- to Nanophysics

20th-27th January 2001
PROCEEDINGS, Outline: click here
Electronic Correlations: from Meso- to Nanophysics
T. Martin, G. Montambaux and J. Trān Thanh Vān eds.
EDPSciences 2001

The participants, their address and their websites sites: click here

About the conference: click here


This is the fourth of a series of  Rencontres devoted to Mesoscopic Quantum Physics

Coulomb and interference effects in small electronic structures - 1994

Correlated fermions and transport in mesoscopic systems - 1996

Quantum physics at the mesoscopic scale - 1999

In parallel to this conference, there will be a meeting on "Very high energy phenomena in the universe"