PROCEEDINGS: Instructions
The deadline for sending the contributions is May 15th
Page limit
Page limit and specific instructions: see the session’s dedicated homepage
Guidelines and Samples
Use the following 2 files to prepare the written version of your talk under Latex: moriond.tex (containing the publisher's instruction), and moriond.cls (the style file).
They can be downloaded as a tar file. The result can be visualised on moriond.pdf
In case you do not use LaTeX, please comply to the general typesetting instructions which can be found here.
File naming
Name the latex file yourname.tex and the folder with all files yourname.tar
DO NOT name it moriond !
Send all files (.tex, figures and .pdf) as a .tar.gz file - compressed tar - to Vera de Sa-Varanda.
(do not send zip files since our email provider rejects them)